El Dorado Ranch San Felipe Tennis Courts
El Dorado Ranch San Felipe, Baja has six tennis courts. These courts are located on the beach and mountain sides of the ranch. Two tennis courts are located on the beach side in the La Ventana del Mar section of the ranch. Four more tennis courts are located on the mountain side of the ranch in the area referred to as 'el cachanilla."Tennis court use is restricted to guests and residents. Day visitors may not use the courts. Unlike the swimming pools, the court use is not strictly enforced. The courts are open daily from 8AM until 10PM with flood lights available for when it gets dark. The general rule for when the courts are busy is; you may play for 30 minutes and then gives those waiting a chance to play. If no one is waiting you, you may play as long as you like.
Guests must bring their own tennis rackets and balls as this is not provided by the resort. Tennis rackets and balls are best brought with you to avoid over paying.
There is no fee for vacations who reside in El Dorado Ranch to play as use of these amenities is included in the resort fee which is part of the rental.
La Ventana del Mar El Tennis courts
The La Venata del Mar courts are located on the beach side of El Dorado Ranch. Easiest ranch entrance to use to access the courts is the La Ventana del Mar entrance which is East of the highway. La Venata courts are made up of two courts. They have the added convenience of being close the the La Palapa bar & grill plus swimming pool.The courts are standard size courts and are hard surface courts which provide greater consistency of bounce during games.
El Cachanilla Tennis Courts
El Cachanilla tennis courts are on the mountain side of El Dorado Ranch. Easiest entrance to get to the courts is via the Salito Entrance which is on the west side of San Felipe highway 5. The court open hours are 8AM - 10PM Monday through Thursday.Just like the La Ventana tennis courts, the El Cachanilla tennis courts are hardcourt providing for bounce consistency during games. As all the courts have standard sizes, the courts are ideal for playing either singles our doubles. The service lines are painted in white color for easy identification whether playing during the day or at night.